[Download Now] Jerry Banfield with EDUfyre – The ActiveCampaign Email Marketing and Automation Course!

[Download Now] Jerry Banfield with EDUfyre – The ActiveCampaign Email Marketing and Automation Course!

[Download Now] Jerry Banfield with EDUfyre – The ActiveCampaign Email Marketing and Automation Course!

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[Download Now] Jerry Banfield with EDUfyre – The ActiveCampaign Email Marketing and Automation Course!

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The active campaign email marketing and automation course is on sale.

The archive is at https://archive.fo/C3bFD.

After 7 years of testing email marketing services, I have been a very happy ActiveCampaign customer since 2016 where you can view the features/pricing and help me earn 25% as an affiliate! ActiveCampaign has an affordable plan for $9 a month and scales up to incredibly powerful features, which makes it the perfect email marketing company for small businesses. Unlike cheap email marketing services such as MailChimp, ActiveCampaign’s affiliate program is outstanding and gives you the chance to make more money referring others to join ActiveCampaign as a partner where I am grateful to have earned thousands in commissions effectively making ActiveCampaign the most affordable email marketing and automation solution I

For entrepreneurs with growing businesses, ActiveCampaign is the best because it is easy to start small and has deep features that are perfect to use when scaling. This course will help you see why ActiveCampaign is my top choice in much more detail, show you exactly what to do to get started, and give detailed instructions on how to integrate ecommerce platforms like Thinkific for selling online courses. I will be filming a series of new videos in 2020 which will add more value to the course. You get lifetime updates and answers to your questions as a student. I hope you enjoy my ActiveCampaign course.

I tried to start working online while I was in college. I joined a survey website and a multi-level marketing program. After getting refunds from both, I decided that working online was not possible because everything was a scam. I was afraid to fail again.

In order to avoid dealing with any of my other problems, I launched an online business focusing on video game addiction in 2011. I stopped selling shirts because I realized there was no money for video game addiction. A year after starting my business, I dropped out of my criminology PHD program at the University of South Florida to run my business full time because I failed to do them well for myself.

I started sharing everything I knew for free on YouTube in order to get more clients. I failed at 15 different business models. I almost died from drinking the pain away and the fear of death motivated me to get into recovery. Being in recovery made me focus more on being of true service to others and less on what I would get out of it. I started making courses online with Udemy and turned into a real business. I learned from top instructors how to get my courses the most sales by partnering with them.

In 2015, I made some videos about my recovery and got an amazing response. I started making inspiring videos while playing video games to make the background on my videos more interesting. To make a more helpful website, I hired a freelancer to convert the videos into posts.

The curriculum for the course.

The introduction to ActiveCampaign! Why use it? Email marketing service for 2019. StartMailChimp vs ActiveCampaign for Email Marketing in 2019. Getting started in ActiveCampaign! There is a start active campaign. Sales Funnels, Basic Automation, and Tagging. Setting my list up in ActiveCampaign is the first thing I should start copying. There are systems for building subscribers. How to convert YouTube viewers to email subscribers. ActiveCampaign Integrations! Customers can be added from the website to email lists with the help of LearnDash and ActiveCampaign. Start how to automate email marketing for course sales

Delivery Method

– After your purchase, you’ll see a View your orders link which goes to the Downloads page. Here, you can download all the files associated with your order.
– Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed, we’ll also send you a download notification email separate from any transaction notification emails you receive from learnbeacons.org.
– Since it is a digital copy, our suggestion is to download and save it to your hard drive. In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us and we will resend the new download link.
– If you cannot find the download link, please don’t worry about that. We will update and notify you as soon as possible at 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (UTC 8).

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