How To Build And Maintain Generalisations For Influence And Change

How To Build And Maintain Generalisations For Influence And Change

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How To Build And Maintain Generalisations For Influence And Change1 How To Build And Maintain Generalisations For Influence And Change

World Renowned Master Trainer Reveals
“Top Secrets” About How Behaviour Is Created, Changed and Maintained So You Can Deprogram Limiting ‘Game Rules’ Exerting A Screeching BREAK On Your Potential & Learn How To Change Behaviours Quickly, Easily & With Minimum Fuss Guaranteed.

Is there a difference between skilled change agents and those who know a few techniques?

I discovered something unusual and unexpected after years of patterning.

Seven years ago, it all started. I was interviewing Dr. Richard Bandler.

People who have been with me for a long time are able to do a lot more. The level of perception by which they looked at the same thing changed because they were exposed to a different class.

I was really curious about that.

I had to find the answer because I am a really stubborn person.

What level of perception did apprentices and elite master trainers have?

If everyone has access to the same techniques, why is it that some people are able to create quicker, easier and lasting changes?

Understanding how behaviours are created, maintained and changed is what I discovered after years of honing my skills. How elite master’s help their clients.

The real golden nuggets of change and influence are here.

Insights that allow Dr. Bandler and other elite change agents to create powerful results for themselves and their clients.

How do people build and maintain generalisations is rarely taught.

People don’t interact with the world directly, but rather through their maps of the world.

You can influence them if you understand how a person creates new understandings, how they build up new game rules, and how those game rules are changed.

This level of perception and skills is used by elites all the time.

Isn’t it time for you to learn how a master trainer knows how this process works?

Deprogram Your Mind.
Wire Up Lasting Change.

There are generalisations everywhere.

There is a profound effect on our lives from generalisations.

Generalisations are game rules that determine how you will act, what you will say, do and feel.

I can’t be thin keeps you penned in, seemingly fixed and unable to change.

The person who always takes action is the kind of person who others act as.

Which game rules people have setup, and what contexts are far away from their conscious awareness.

They control a lot of their lives.

Most of the time, they lie completely outside of our awareness.

Sometimes the game rule is wired up by our nervous system.

Your brain has forgotten how the game rule happened because it became a shortcut.

You have to re-act.

Maybe you and your clients get angry, sad, frustrated, and annoyed. Act in a way they don’t want to.

There is a way to get into the machinery.

That gets in their way to show what happened to the game rule.

You can change it to something more positive.

Now there is.

For the first time in a home study course, Master Trainer Michael Breen shows how to build, break and maintain generalisations so you can have greater freedom and choice.

How To Build & Maintain Generalisations For Influence & Change

One of the least taught and poorly understood areas is how to build and maintain generalisations.

You will discover the underlying process behind how human beings wire up new learnings, how changes in behavior are made to stick and how beliefs can last a lifetime with this skill.

How to build and maintain generalisations is at the core of it.

How to get people to stop doing things they are used to doing.

That is the term for problem behavior or unwanted thoughts.

The desirable outcome is a new behavioral state.

The techniques work. Until they don’t. What do you do?

Every technique is different.

The right intervention is not being used at every problem level.

Sometimes a technique works for a while, then it falls apart.

The client has a lot of generalisations in place.

Maybe you didn’t know you could change a process.

A level of sophistication that goes beyond the norm.

You can change lives quicker, easier and more elegantly if you learn how to build and maintain generalisations.

It is what elite trainers and change agents do.

It does not look or sound like traditional NLP.

If you don’t know Michael’s background, you should. He has spent three decades coaching, training and consulting to world class companies, senior leaders, celebrities, athletes and top performers.

He is one of Europe’s top executive coaches. He co-founded the largest NLP Training school in the world and for ten years he co-delivered workshops with Dr. Bandler.

His techniques and tools have been used by tens of thousands of clients around the globe.

In How to build and maintain generalisations for influence and change, you are invited behind the curtain to discover secrets that elite change agents and master trainers know and use to be successful with their clients.

Inside This Masterclass, You’ll Learn:

  • The secrets behind what Generalisations really are, how they function and how you can generate elegant change
  • The two types of generalisations that direct behaviour and how you can influence and change people’s blueprint powerfully when you work with either type. Getting good with either way creating, shifting and altering generalisations is how elite trainers and change agents seem to be able to create change, using no ‘apparent’ NLP techniques at all
  • Learn the latest rules from brain science about how behaviour is created, changed and maintained. When you understand how the brain codes experiences you’ll understand why changes you’ve tried before failed to stick and how to create changes that stick like velcro!
  • Discover how master change agents think and act when it comes to shaping and influencing behaviours and making change easy, natural and near invisible. Generating changes can be that easy.
  • Be exposed to the 3 Master Options you have for creating changes that shifts someone from not doing to doing. Become good with these 3 options and you can make a huge variety of changes and intervene successfully on a huge variety of behavioural problems.
  • Discover the one process that is going on ALL THE TIME that dictates how you think and feel more than you’ve ever realised and is INVISIBLE to most human beings.
  • Discover the one process that is going on ALL THE TIME that dictates how you think and feel more than you’ve ever realised and is INVISIBLE to most human beings.
  • Discover the one process that is going on ALL THE TIME that dictates how you think and feel more than you’ve ever realised and is INVISIBLE to most human beings.
  • Learn how to build the right kinds of generalisations so you start doing the things you want to do and STOP doing the things that don’t serve you.
  • How to you can use the Meta Model & Framing Tool to guide your thinking when you are looking to build new generalisations or find ways to unpack and break unhelpful generalisations. This is how top pros plan and act so their interventions are successful far more, more of the time.
  • Hear Michael demonstrate how he helped a friend overcome a very traumatic experience by changing a very powerful limiting generalisations and wiring up several new ones. Michael unpacks each key step, trick and technique he used so you can learn how he did this too.
  • Discover the key pattern for how generalisations can be broken and how new empowering generalisations are wired up.
  • Find out about the often overlooked critical step that struggling change agents make when generating changes. Fail to address this common pitfall and and your change efforts will be for nothing.
  • Why you want to identify the real triggers and brain code that SEEM to drive the emotional response people have when their generalisations are challenged.
  • Which ‘little clues’ Michael pays attention for to identify generalisations people have expressed in their non verbal behaviour . When you can quickly hear people’s generalisations you can create strategies that work like a glove for them.
  • Discover a critical learning point about how to install strategies and wire up new generalisations.
  • Which #1 mistake you want to avoid if you are trying to wire up new generalisations that work
  • How to listen for people’s game rule and discover generalisations even if they are not in plain sight.
  • Hear Michael demonstrate how to create new generalisations by giving assignments and actions. By getting your clients to do things you can have them create new generalisations (This is a VERY powerful strategy for creating change.)
  • Learn Michael’s questioning process he uses for end of year reviews so he is constantly improving.
  • Discover how to use the Meta Model to break apart your own or other people’s unhelpful generalisations.
  • Hear about the power strategy that millions of people use to stay stuck that you’ll want to avoid (and look out for with your clients)
  • Learn the three key elements that must be present for a generalisations to stick. Have all three present and your changes of success go way up.
  • Listen as Michael shares expert tips from three decades of experience on how to build new positive generalisations so you can enjoy a richer better life.
  • Plus much more

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