Scott Rister – Find All The Motivated Sellers You Can Handle

Scott Rister – Find All The Motivated Sellers You Can Handle

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I’ll reveal to you my heart and soul this entire guerilla marketing system in detail to make absolutely sure you’re on the right path to immediate and sustained success. I’ll be teaching you from A-Z the new age investor way to get all the motivated sellers you can handle!


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Find All The Motivated Sellers You Can Handle

It is at long last. You can find all the motivated sellers in the new version. The most comprehensive and real world applicable system to get truly motivated sellers calling you on a consistent basis is about to be introduced to you. My name is Scott Rister, and for those of you who know me and are familiar with my previous proven and cutting edge marketing techniques, I am about to reveal to you the most complete real estate marketing system that will ever be available! You will soon learn how to make true wealth through creative real estate with sellers of the highest motivation.

I am a real estate investor just like you, who at one time got sick and tired of corporate America determining my net worth and providing an illusion of financial security. I was able to break the chains of a J-O-B into full-time real estate investor status through years of doing things wrong and right.

I will show you innovative outside-the-box techniques along with the technology of today so that you can find all the motivated sellers you can handle.

Just What Does It Take To Become A Successful Real Estate Investor?

You may know a lot of ways to close a deal, but if it’s not a great deal then you have no choice. If you want to talk to sellers, you should take out the FSBO section of the paper with your rabbit’s foot. If you want to maximize the best use of your time and see real and positive financial results then you need a marketing program.

With the phone ringing off the hook, how can you start generating business?

Very simple.

I will provide you with a complete turn-key system consisting of, without a doubt, the most step-by-step detailed system to get truly motivated sellers contacting you. Some people use the term system but not me. I have developed a model in which only one technique is used to close 70 deals in 9 months and that keeps me financially secure with more deals that I want to handle. I will reveal to you every idea, technique, opportunity, and technology that has found you.

This is a guerilla marketing system that can be used by all levels of investors. There wouldn’t be anyone working regular jobs if real estate investing was as easy as taking out a I Buy House classified and asking a few agents to bring you great deals.

You will need assistance to handle the volume of business you can generate with my complete system. I can qualify that statement to clear up any doubts you may have.

Three Reasons Make This The Absolute Best System…

One reason. I used to focus on all the creative buying techniques. I tried to convince a bunch of people to accept my terms, but they wouldn’t and it was very discouraging. It was like beating my head against the wall when dealing with unmotivated sellers. It was like trying to put a square peg in a round hole with people wanting all cash and retail value for their properties.

I only read about others doing lucrative transactions. When I shifted my focus to implementing a system where motivated sellers find me, it all changed for me. I got so many calls that I was picking and choosing gems with better profit margins between the overload of deals coming my way.

There are two reasons. A complete marketing system is not put together by someone who deals in theory. Nothing could be closer to the truth. If you were in my market place, you would see me day in, day out doing deals, and you would be wondering where and how I got all these profitable deals working at such minimal hours. I know how hard it is to find great deals like looking for a needle in a haystack and how long it takes to sell out. To learn the most cost-effective and effective techniques to get truly motivated sellers calling you, come walk in my shoes.

There are three reasons. The reason my program will work is simple. There is no way you can fail to get results from any of the guerilla marketing weapons I give you. Real estate markets vary from city to city. No matter where you live, the sheer amount of innovative techniques you have with today’s technology will make you successful. I provide for you an entire fishing boat, I don’t give you one line to fish with.

I have specific marketing tools for you that are guaranteed to drive your real estate business to greater success, even if you are a brand new beginner operating on a shoe-string budget or an experienced real estate investor with substantial money to invest in your marketing.

The “Holy Grail” of Real Estate Marketing is Found!!!

These are by far the best marketing resources available because I offer you many, many proven and niche techniques to elevate yourself as an elite real estate investor. The technology of today is guaranteed to have no equal.

In my comprehensive system, you will get a glimpse of what you will receive.

The Most Unbelievable Text Manual!

I don’t use the term text manual because it is so much more. I have spent years assimilating this cutting-edge information and into a format that is one hot idea after another.

It doesn’t stop there! You will hear and feel the passion I have for showing you how easy it is to have more deals than you can handle. It is all about working smarter and not harder.

Clicking on the following link will give you a glimpse of what you will soon be learning.

Click here to view the table of contents

Wait, but wait, but wait, but wait, but wait, but wait, but wait, but wait, but wait, but wait, but wait, but wait, but wait, but wait, but wait, but wait, but wait, but wait, but wait, but wait I am about to reveal to you the last resource you will ever need for direct mail.

The Ultimate Direct Mail Software

This version of The Ultimate Direct Mail Software has no merit. Direct mail is just one marketing medium that I teach in detail, but it is my absolute favorite and probably most effective.

It has been developed by a successful real estate investor for real estate investors and not by any other source other than creative real estate investors. You need a system to where you don’t have to think about what to say to whom, when to mail letters, or both, because the system does it all for you, because your average response rate passes 80% upon the fourth contact or more.

A picture is worth 1000 words. Take your time and look at the amazing features of this version of the software.

Motivated Seller In-House Training

DVD video series with me teaching you in the comfort of your home is included in my complete marketing system. I will show you the entire guerilla marketing system in detail to make sure you are on the right path to immediate and sustained success. I will teach you how to get all the motivated sellers you can handle.

The audio is comprehensive. A complete audio CD series is included in the marketing system. You will hear me talk to you about getting truly motivated sellers to contact you. Whether you are driving in your car or at home, this powerful learning tool will motivate you to be set on the path of success developing a successful marketing campaign for you.

The budgetizer is the marketing. Another custom software system is also part of the marketing system. You can use the Budgetizer to make sure you get the absolute maximum return on your marketing dollar investment. There are a few features listed here.

Click here to view the features of the software.

There are forms and documents. I have a custom Forms disk that you can use to reproduce all the documents you need saving you thousands of dollars and time. You will receive my copyrighted documents on disk. Soon you will be able to print out fliers, door-hangers, and many other documents important to you becoming the king or queen of your real estate market.

Is this all for real?

Whether you are an experienced real estate investor or just starting out, you may be wondering how my system could work for you. It is designed for all levels of real estate investors.

It is certain that the system I am about to offer you will work.

It has been very profitable for me. It took me nine months to get 72 deals after I started using only a fraction of the techniques I now offer. If you are ready to implement a life-changing system to realize your financial goals in life, you can experience the same results.

You’ll Get At Least 10 Times Your Money’s Worth!

Many basic real estate materials sell for double, or even triple of what I am offering my complete system for, even though there is not a comparable marketing system. Many people who have looked at the system agree that I would be crazy to offer the text manual alone at this price. The techniques and ideas with real world applications are amazing. I don’t think it’s right for people to think they have to spend thousands of dollars on seminars, boot-camps, and all that other stuff only to realize that it’s all about marketing to find the deals!

If you use my direct mail software alone, you can save countless hours of time by getting in touch with motivated sellers. Those sellers who will give you a great deal on their home that could make you $5,000, $10,000, $20,000 and being able to replicate it over and over again will make your real estate business a money machine.

It only happens with motivated sellers and that’s what this system is about. This system is not for people who are looking for marginal deals. It is designed for homerun and can’t lose deals on a repetitive basis.

I think the greatest value of the material is that I have a complete marketing system for you to use. You will get a lot of phone calls from motivated sellers if you use it. Prescreening will translate into profitable low-risk (to no-risk) deals and bottom-line money in your account by maximizing the best use of your time and marketing investment dollars.

Package Included:


I will be pouring out my heart and soul into teaching you how to get truly motivated sellers calling you! If you want to be successful in creative real estate, you need a system where deals find out and I will show you from the comfort of your home exactly what it takes.


I can not stand labeling this as a text manual, but I am doing that because most are familiar with it. This written information will take you into the world of totally innovative and many never before known techniques and how to apply them in your real estate market for financial success. Years of market and research along with gumption getting out there making deals happen is what I am extending to you. You are going from one end of the learning curve to the extremely profitable side.


Comprehensive Audio is a personal approach to make sure no stone is left unturned so that you will be equipped with the knowledge to be successful in real estate. You will hear why I am passionate about teaching others to become full-time real estate investors or taking your existing business to one that is truly elite in this CD audio series.

You can get Scott Rister at


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