Dr Dave Best (Woynarowski) – Lengthen Your Spine Lengthen Your Life

Dr Dave Best (Woynarowski) – Lengthen Your Spine Lengthen Your Life

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Dr. Dave's Best Lengthen Your Spine - Lengthen Your Life
Yes, you can feel younger and increase your lifespan without “getting old.”

“Lengthen Your Spine – Lengthen Your Life”

6 minutes a day may keep you out of a nursing home and a helpless, powerless state of constant pain!!!

There is a secret to living a long, healthy life without back pain, sciatic pain, bad posture, Alzheimer’s, dementia, poor circulation, lousy digestion, and low levels of energy.

It can help you lose weight and build muscle quicker than you thought possible.

You don’t have to spend all day in the gym. It does not need a diet of deprivation. It doesn’t matter what your genetics are. If your parents bowed over like a piece of bent steel, you don’t have to follow in their footsteps.

Don’t worry about growing old. As you age, you don’t need to lose height. You don’t need to lose control of your bladder. You do not need to worry about falling and breaking a hip. You don’t need to worry about losing your sex drive.

Proper care of your spine with a few simple daily exercises will put spring in your step and help you avoid losing 4 inches in height, walking with a bowed back and looking old. It’s a good idea to live longer and lengthen your spine.

David M. Woynarowski is a doctor.

Dear friend.

I was living with chronic back pain for three years. I began an amazing journey that has taken me to a level of health that is unimaginable for most people, after months of searching for a remedy.

Not only did I have no more back pain, but I also looked younger each and every day. Mental and physical stress went away. I got stronger and leaner. Laser-like focus became the norm as my mind got sharper. This is the short list.

I bet you are interested in some of the health benefits listed above. Let me tell you how it all happened.

Physician, Can You Heal Yourself?

You may have heard the phrase, Physician, heal thyself. I have always done that when it comes to health.

When I was crippled with back pain, I had to look at another wise saying amongst doctors. The doctor who wants to be a physician has a fool as a counselor.

Let me explain. According to the latest medical standards, I have treated hundreds of patients who have suffered with back pain.

Back School, Physical Therapy, powerful, addictive and even dangerous drugs were prescribed by me on a regular basis.

I sent people for surgery in some cases.

Many of these patients did not get better despite the methods and procedures being hailed as wonderful. I assumed that this was reality until I got back pain of my own.

I was blessed with back pain so I could discover what really works

When I was a patient, my thinking changed and I now teach an approach to care that doesn’t just rid you of pain. It helps extend your life and rids you of pain. Everything about your health is related to the benefits.

Spending a lot of time examining patients in all kinds of situations caused my back pain. The bending, lifting and twisting caused me to be strong on one side and weak on the other, and it almost put me out of commission.

I was scared when my back pain didn’t go away at first, but I realized I had the same chance for relief as my patients.

It snuck up on me

My back pain started over night. Like most people, my back pain came on suddenly as a result of years of improper posture and movement of the spine.

You will soon see that this suffering is unnecessary. It is easy to fix.

I didn’t know it at the time.

I went down the garden path that I had sent so many of my patients. It was not fun.

I took over-the-counter pain pills. They worked for a few weeks, but then I started to get upset and worried that I was going to have to live on the pills, so I searched for another solution.

I lay on a heating pad at night to get some relief. I bought a Space-aged mattress. All to no avail. I couldn’t get a good night’s sleep with either the heat or the mattress.

My physical therapy doctor friends assured me that the prescription pills I took gave my patients great results.

I was married to the pill bottle and they did help for a while. The FDA pulled the drugs after they caused death by heart attacks.

Where I drew the line

I refused to take narcotics due to a number of reasons. An addicted physician is not a good thing.

A doctor can’t make good judgements because they affect your thinking.

I knew I had to avoid drugs like the plague because they have other side effects.

What was I going to do? I did what any self-respecting doctor would do. I asked my friends for advice.

They said they would do the same things I had done. I was told that I should consider surgery.

I realized I had to find my own way out of the pain after my brain shouted ENOUGH OF THIS.

I didn’t feel like I had an alternative.

I was in my 40’s, yet I had terrible posture, and the pain grew worse every day. I couldn’t sleep. I grimaced almost every time I moved. I couldn’t do much outside of work because I had a hard time getting through my day.

No running, no jumping, no playing, and no sex! I thought of myself as an 80 year old man instead of a 40 year old.

Beating the grim reaper

When faced with a grim reality we often look outside the box for an answer and that is what I did.

I looked at a variety of exercises.

None of them were specifically designed to bring relief to the back pain. They didn’t give a patient any of the other benefits, like living a long, healthy life.

I wondered if I could take the best exercises from each system and create a program to relieve back pain.

Who has an hour to do poses or use a special machine that only certain studios have? If I wanted to have time for my practice and the rest of my life, I couldn’t keep living in pain.

I made the system easy and fast, and even when you are going slowly, you can be done in about six minutes.

The seven exercises as well as the short duration of the training session proved to be the right amount and kind of process to relieve the pain I had been having.

My plan worked like gangbusters

I nailed a simple 6-minute routine within a few weeks that guaranteed I wouldn’t suffer from back pain again.

There is more to that.

I stood taller in the mirror. I saw a young man again.

I told everyone that I was ready to take on the world.

I haven’t had that feeling since I was a teenager.

My thinking was much quicker and clearer. It was almost like being reborn after being in the fog of pain and the physical and mental fatigue that goes with it.

I continued to do the exercises and stretches. Lengthen your life. I noticed a big increase in my strength.

The exercises were getting easier as the day went on.

I created another level of more advanced exercises for my spine, worked through them to the point of mastery, and then added another even more challenging level to give myself the ULTIMATE challenge.

There was only one thing left to do

I wanted to see if this system worked for other people.

Most doctors have a ready and willing supply of back pain sufferers.

I tried my system on everyone who was willing and able.

One lady was flat on her back. That is how bad she was.

I will not lie to you and tell you that I helped everyone. Some people are too old to need surgery, like the little old lady who broke her spine due to osteoporosis. What I teach will not work for her. It will work for everyone else. There are a lot of people who will get better and faster. It is far higher than what you can expect from a typical medical doctor.

Big Changes Noted

The majority of people I worked with did not just get rid of back pain. Not at all. They started to look and feel younger as a result of no longer being in pain, and as a result of the energy in their bodies being amplified due to the spine being exercised in the proper way.

Like me, the people I helped went from weak and weak to strong and strong.

The wrinkled looks on their faces were replaced by glowing smiles.

Their bodies started to return to a 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611

Fat was melted and muscles got toned. Super-sized bellies, butt, and thighs started to disappear and were replaced by the shapelier younger looking lithes of ten or more years ago.

We turned back the clock

We were turning back the clock because I and my patients were feeling better.

I went into Anti-Aging Medicine because of this discovery. I had done it myself, done it for others, and proven that you can look and feel younger as you get older.

Only 6 minutes a day

The basic program took an average of 6 minutes to complete. It can be done in your bedroom with no special tools.

That is the best news. Lengthen your life. When I began to recommend it to my patients, I discovered that it fixes more than back pain.

You Can Get An Enormously Strong Back and be Pain Free in No Time Flat

The pictures show me supporting a body builder through an exercise called The Hinge.

I was told by my doctor friends that I was crazy to even think of doing it, yet I can do it repeatedly with no pain.

Dr Dave's Hinge Exercise

Dr Dave Woynarowski demonstrating pain-free superior back
strength in an exercise he was told never to do.

(Do Not Try This At Home!!!)

The case of Sylvia

Sylvia is a 36-year old housewife and mother of four.

Sylvia had developed a chronic nagging low back pain after 3 pregnancies. She didn’t want to use drugs and didn’t want to spend a lot of time away from her home.

She told me that she had 2 embarrassing problems that came along with the pain.

The first was a low sex drive and the second was her inability to hold her water in almost all situations where she lifted or jumped. She discovered this when she attended her last class.

I told her that the problem was common in women who had been pregnant multiple times because of a weakness of the spine erectors and the bladder and sex organs below the belly button.

I showed her the exercises. Lengthen your life. Her problems would be improved quickly.

The program worked for her.

Former construction worker, 62, does it

The 62-year old former construction worker became his own boss in his 40’s and ran a successful construction company. He didn’t want all those damn shots and drugs and came to me for an anti-aging consultation.

He asked if there was a program of exercise and stretches that he could do to get rid of the chronic back pain that he had since his construction worker days.

He used to. Lengthen your life. And got better as well.

Woman in mid-50’s makes it happen

A mid 50’s career woman came to me with chronic fatigue and slow but steady weight gain around the abdomen.

I ruled out medical causes and prescribed the exercises. Lengthen your life. Increasing energy reduced abdominal fat and weight reduction.

She wanted to do the rest of the program. She graduated in less than 3 months after buying the course. She lost 18 pounds of ugly fat and now teaches the program at a local adult day care center.

I have gotten great feedback and great results so far.

Here are some other benefits you can expect from using Lengthen Your Spine – Lengthen Your Life:

  • Improved flexibility in the neck, back, shoulders, hips and legs
  • Improved core body strength
  • Fix postural defects and weaknesses
  • Improve overall energy and clarity of thinking
  • Breathe more fully and with greater ease
  • Better control of bowels, bladder and sexual organs
  • Improved sex drive
  • Better sleep
  • Weight loss
  • Reduction in overall body fat
  • Tightening and toning of abdominals, buttocks and thighs
  • Injury prevention
  • Improved circulation, no more cold feet and hands
  • Improved immune system – stay healthy even when others around you are sick
  • Relief from joint pain
  • And of course a bulletproof, pain-free back that can do things that most people would not even dream of

Lengthen Your Spine, Lengthen Your Life - Simple Exercise that can be done in Minutes for a Strong, Pain Free Back

It can all be yours in just 6 minutes a day, no gym memberships, no expensive x-rays or dangerous procedures, no mind numbing energy, no side effects and no expensive repeat visits to a doctor.

I am a supplement designer. I use my extensive medical experience and patient knowledge to make the world’s highest quality and most effective supplements.

Every single day, I take 30 to 40 of my own supplements.

It works great with the supplements, but it also helps without them.

Lengthen Your Life is an answer to so many of the problems of aging that it should be a must in schools, hospitals, gyms and extended care facilities across the country.

You can get your copy of the system today.

It’s time to put an end to chronic back pain. Reshape your body in a few minutes a day by trimming your waist, thighs, and buttocks.

The course comes with 3 high-quality DVD’s shot in crystal clarity and a manual with individual photo breakdowns of each exercise in detail.

You can take yourself to higher and higher levels of fitness and strength as you go on because of the common mistakes and bonus variations that are included.

Don’t delay! It’s time to end back pain, poor posture and start growing younger now.

Dave is a M.D.

If you order right now, we will include two Bonus CD’s that are not sold on the website and have been available only to our best customers in the past.

Special Bonus CD # 1 – “Your Questions about Staying Young Answered”

This is a compilation of the most commonly asked questions about staying young and healthy that have come up to Dr Dave over the years.

You will want to share this important information with your family and friends.

Special Bonus CD #2 – “How to Stay Young And Beautiful at Any Age”

Wrinkles, Weight Loss, Sleep Problems, you name it, it’s all covered here in typical Dr Dave fashion; straight forward, easy to understand and immediately useful!

But hurry! You can get these Free Bonus Gifts if you act now.

Salepage: http://www.drdavesbest.com/products/lengthen-your-spine-lengthen-your-life.html
Archive: http://web.archive.org/web/20151116133645/http://www.drdavesbest.com/products/lengthen-your-spine-lengthen-your-life.html

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